The DLIA communicates with residents through email, Facebook, our Deer Tales newsletters; the Improvement Association and the Conservancy; and a Directory of Property owners: listing names, addresses, and phone numbers; and this website,, with information about Deer Lake organizations and projects. In 1990, the DLIA started a newsletter, called...
Power lines, cement plant and Highway 8
Highway 8 has long been a concern for residents. With increasing traffic volume, turn-offs to many south side Deer Lake roads can be hazardous. Local papers report almost weekly accidents along Highway 8 from St. Croix Falls to past Deer Lake. The state of Wisconsin mandated a safety study of...
DLIA and Conservancy Projects …
Over the last several years, the public landing has been renovated. The DLIA and the town of St. Croix Falls, supported by a grant from the DNR, shared the cost of repairs. Repairs were needed because a large drop-off at the end of the landing ramp caused by “power loading”...
The Deer Lake Conservancy …
The Conservancy is not part of the Association but the DLIA has given the Conservancy support in Deer Tales by becoming a founding member and making annual contributions to the Conservancy. It has also urged its members to volunteer for Conservancy projects. The organizations have similar goals and have cooperated...
What the heck is a SECCHI Disk?
The revised Articles of Incorporation stated the purpose of the DLIA in much the same language as it had in earlier versions, basically to protect Deer Lake and the real estate surrounding the lake. Membership in the Association was redefined and divided into voting members and sustaining members. “All owners...
Back Lot Development
Another topic of interest to the DLIA in the 80’s was that of back lot development. Could Polk County regulate lake back lots? That question was raised at the Zoning Committee meeting in early September of 1980. The issue arose because of a conflict on Balsam Lake. Balsam Lake Homeowners’...
A focus on the improvement of water quality…
Two specific issues of concern and action in the 1980's were the proposal to build a motel at the lagoon and the question of back lots. The owner of the Lagoon, a popular restaurant on Deer Lake wanted to build a $2 million, 44-unit motel next to his restaurant (Standard-Press,...
In the 1970’s and 1980’s …
The revised constitution enlarged the Board of Directors from six to nine and provided that the Board should elect the officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The duties of each officer were defined and provisions were made for an annual meeting, and for special meetings if desired by the Board...
From 1939 to 1969
Records of the Association's activities from 1939-1957 are scarce. The Association did take action to settle the issue of the water level of the lake. Under the supervision of Wisconsin State Conservation Department, a dam was constructed at Mirror Waters to control the flow of water. The Association worked to...
And so it began….
Stealthily, under the cover of approaching darkness, a group of Deer Lake residents approached the lake’s outlet at Mirror Waters and threw rocks and debris into the water. These residents were advocates of raising the lake’s water level (Durand Blanding, Interview, April 20, 2008). The drought of the early 1930’s...